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Tennoji Academy Group
Kansai College of Business and Languages
Tennoji Gakkan High School
Kansai College of Business and Languages
Kansai International High School
Tennoji Preparatory School
Adult Education Center
>Designed to develop the 4 basic Japanese skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
>Various kinds of elective classes are available to the students
>Trial examinations and lessons are available for the Examinations for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
  Admission Info Here!
Enrollment Period Class Hours Contents
210 hours
Providing an opportunity for the people to study Japanese efficiently in a short amount of time

Voices of the Graduates

Lai Wing Yiu, Angeline
Nationality: British Overseas National (Hong Kong)

I took the 210-hour Short-Term Japanese course at Kansai College and think it was very good.
Teachers are very eager while having a high concern towards the students’ progress.
Although I only stayed in Japan for 3 months, I think my Japanese ability has progressed drastically since enrollment. Furthermore, I have great memories of meeting students from other countries at Kansai College as well as adjusting to life and studying in Japan. I hope to come back to Japan again, and take the Long-Term Japanese course at Kansai College in the near future.

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