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Tennoji Academy Group
Kansai College of Business and Languages
Tennoji Gakkan High School
Kansai College of Business and Languages
Kansai International High School
Tennoji Preparatory School
Adult Education Center
As Kansai College is a vocational college authorized under school laws (article 82, section 2), our students in any long-term course, who apply overseas, are the holders of college-student visas. Some of those college-student visa holders, who demonstrate excellent academic works or outstanding activities, have chances to be awarded scholarships. Kansai College has its own scholarship program for all long-term students including those who have different visa statuses from a college-student visa.
Hours Scholarship by the Jasso
Provided by Jasso
Awarded to All college-student visa holders at Kansai College
'Number to be awarded About 20
Duration 12 months (April to March next year)
Stipend (total amount) 576,000 yen
Means of Delivery 48,000yen every month given through Kansai College
Method of Selection Selected from current students according to their attendance, result and learning attitude in a class
Scholarship for Kansai College Students
Provided by Kansai College of Business and Languages
All long-term students at Kansai College
'Number to be awarded Spring
5-10 Fall
Duration given in full given in full
Stipend (total amount) 100,000 yen 100,000 yen
Means of Delivery Given in full from Kansai College
Method of Selection Selected from current students according to their attendance, result and learning attitude in class
Kansai College Honor Scholarship for Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Provided by Kansai College of Business and Languages
Awarded to All long-term students at Kansai College, taking JPLT 1st or 2nd level in December
'Number to be awarded 4-6
Duration Given in full
Stipend (total amount) 20,000 ~ 100,000 yen
Means of Delivery Given in full from Kansai College
Method of Selection Result of Japanese Language Proficiency Test and attendance record
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