We provide various housing options so that you can be at ease during your studies. This even includes private apartments secured at discount rates for international students.
Recommended student dormitory
Dormy Oji
■Initial fee (including 2month-rent) |
¥162,000~ |
■Monthly rent (including meals) |
¥62,800~(breakfast/dinner) |

Patitta Kaewsojarit(Thailand)
Student Dormitories
(Girls' Domitory)
Dormy Esaka Community House
■Initial fee (including 2month-rent) |
¥162,000~ |
■Monthly rent (including meals) |
¥48,000~(breakfast/dinner) |

(Boys' Domitory)
Dormy Hirano
■Initial fee (including 2month-rent) |
¥162,000~ |
■Monthly rent (including meals) |
¥48,000~(breakfast/dinner) |

Private Apartments
※Initial fee(1st payment:initial fee including 2month-rent) ¥178,000~¥280,000
West one Ⅱ
■Monthly rent |
¥42,000〜¥43,500 |

Royal Palace Higashisumiyoshi
■Monthly rent |
¥40,500〜¥45,500 |